Handling Phone Caller Questions

Do you teach Tae Kwon Do, Ninjitsu, Escrima, etc?

For this script, you must determine first their experience. If someone asks for a particular style, it might be something they just heard or they might have experience with that style and want to continue. In that case, you might recommend a place to meet their needs.

                1) “Is this for yourself or someone else?”

                2) “Did you (they) ever study before?”

                                (If they studied before)

                                                “What style did you study before?”

                                                “Are you a black belt?”

                                                “What’s your interest in learning that style?”

(At this point you can determine whether to recommend a place or have them try classes at our academy).

                3) “What’s your interest in …?”

(Here’s where you get the clue as to their main reason for wanting a Kung Fu program. No matter what they say (self-defense, conditioning, kicks, fighting, etc., you now can direct the client to our academy).

                4) “Great! We teach that here.”

Have them fill out a card or get them scheduled for a class.

5) “We offer all our new members a free introductory training course. This way you can see exactly what we have to offer and some of the benefits of the training program.  How does that sound? I have two appointments available next week. One is on … at (give a time convenient for the prospect) or on … (give a time convenient for the prospect). Which is better for you?”

Do you teach sparring (fighting)?            

                1) “Is this for yourself or someone else?”

                2) “Is sparring something that you wanted to do?”

                3) If they say, “Yes.” You also say, “Yes we do.”

                                If they say no, you say, “No we don’t.”

                4) Follow the procedures to schedule the client or get them prepared for their lesson.

Additional Questions:

  • Do you teach fighting (weapons, etc)?

“Do you have an interest in…?

                If yes, “Yes we do.”

                If no, “No we don’t.”

  • Do you have to sign a contract?


  • Do you teach MMA (Tae Kwon Do, etc)?

                “What’s your interest in…?”

                                “Self Defense, Kickboxing, etc.”

                                                “We have a very comprehensive … program.”

  • Can I just do it for a month?


  • What style do you teach?

                “What style were you interested in?”

                                “Tae Kwon Do, Ninjitsu…”

                                                “What’s your interest in that?”

                                                                “Self Defense, Kickboxing, etc.”

                                                                                “We have a very comprehensive … program.”

  • How much is it a month?

“We have many easily affordable courses available. We can cover these during your first visit and answer any other questions you might have.”

  • Why do I have to come in to get information?

“We have a lot of information to share with you about courses, times, class structure, etc. and I wish I could show you everything over the phone, but I can’t. What days work best for you to stop in and visit us?”

  • Can I just stop by anytime?

“Sure, but we want to make sure that someone is here to answer all of your questions and give a tour of our facility.  Can you at least give me a time of day that you might stop in? That way I can make sure we have someone available to help you.”

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