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The only purpose of a website is to capture leads. Leads are those people that go to your website to get more information about martial arts.

Why do you want to capture these leads? Simple! Because these are the prospects that have an interest in martial arts and maybe your academy specifically. If you have a website dedicated to your credentials or style, you are doomed to failure.

People go to your website for one primary reason, and that is to see if you can help them with a problem or a need that they have. These are considered warm leads. It is your job to make them hot and call or make an appointment for a visit.

How to You Capture Leads?

There are several ways that you can do this including placing cookies on their computer, so they continue to see ads and offers from you. The first step though is an opt-in for them to give you their name and email.

Many schools provide a form to fill out to get more information. The problem with many of these forms is that they ask for a name, address, phone, and email. Most people are reluctant to fill out a form like this online to get more information. Would you? They don’t know you. They are afraid of getting spam messages. They want a safer way to get more information. All these things and more are going through the mind of that prospect.

The best way to collect contacts (the primary purpose of your website) is to offer an ethical bribe. That could be anything from a free book, how to improve a child’s discipline, eight rules for self-defense, etc. Mine is the 16 Steps for Choosing a Martial Arts School. They give me their email, and I send them the 16 steps.

I also take them to a page where they can check out my trial offer. If they do not opt-in for that, at least they have the information. I now have a safe means to communicate with the prospect and continue to send them information that they can use. I can also send them discounted offers for the trial course to encourage them to call or stop in.

This email chain is set up as an autoresponder. In other words, once the emails are set up, they go out automatically. That’s a discussion for another time.

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