Secure Your Site

I noticed while I was trolling around the web there are still a lot of sites that do not have the HTTPS designation. If your site still uses the HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), start working on getting the HTTPS ((Hypertext Transfer Protocol SSL).

The reason that I’m bringing this up is that Google and other search engines are placing these HTTP sites lower in their search results. Even worse, many browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Opera, etc.) will no longer support these sites. So, if someone types in your site they will be warned that the site is safe and to return. That is happening in 2018.

Now once you get the designation, you need to check every page. Sometimes pictures or coding will not automatically translate to HTTPS. I had several pages that were coming up partially block, and it took me a long time to figure out where the problem occurred. I checked pictures and all the other obvious sources. It turned out it was a google font buried in some code that had the HTTP designation. All I did was change that to HTTPS, and the page came up clean.

Usually, if you use an online website builder like Wix or GoDaddy, they take care of this for you. However, if you use a hosting site and a website builder like WordPress, you have to purchase an SSL layer. WordPress does offer a free one, but you have to make sure you renew it every three months. That is also true if you build the site on your computer and then upload it to the hosting company.

Costs vary according to what you need or want. A hosting site with WordPress as your builder is the cheapest way to go. However, you must renew your SSL every three months. Other hosting sites with drag and drop builders charge more. But they take care of the SSL for you.

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